BOSIG GmbH is certified according to ISO 14001, the globally accepted and applied standard for environmental management systems. As a company in the fields of construction technology, industry and acoustics, BOSIG GmbH is determined to continuously optimise its energy and environmental performance.
This is part of our corporate policy. Under the name "Greenline by BOSIG", BOSIG GmbH has been developing modern products for years in an effort to achieve zero emissions.
As a further step in the continuous optimisation process, BOSIG GmbH and its product families of
are now, after successfully completing product verification in accordance with the requirements of the
listed in the service platform BUILDING MATERIAL SCOUT for sustainable building products.
As a product database, BUILDING MATERIAL SCOUT facilitates the search and selection of ecological and sustainable building products and materials for builders, planners and manufacturers. Users are supported by a clear and structured search function in researching and evaluating suitable building products for specific areas of application and use.
The product database contains, among other things, information on the topics: