Noiseflex® Piano

Noiseflex® Piano


Noiseflex® Piano is a closed cell polyethylene foam; the cells open during later processing of the product. This yields a material with very good sound absorbing and also sound damping properties.

The material is resistant to water and moisture. As of its UV-stability, Noiseflex® Piano UV is also suitable for exterior use.

Customer benefits

  • Superior noise control
  • Resilient to water and humidity
  • Rigid yet versatile
  • Flame retardant
  • Superior mechanical strength

Field of application

  • Absorber panels for direct gluing
  • Baffle systems or as ceiling panel
  • As filler material for Noiseflex® Picture
  • Insert panels in grid ceilings
  • Machine noise reduction
  • Use in sound acoustic damping walls
  • Noise protection in swimming pools, washing bays and shooting ranges

Product Information

For information on fire behaviour, thermal conductivity, UV stability, etc., please refer to the technical information.

Property Data Notes
Length and width 2400 x 1200mm We would be happy to provide you with additional dimensions on request.
Thicknesses 50 mm (laminated 2 x 25 mm) We would be happy to provide you with additional dimensions on request.


Technical Information Noiseflex® Piano [PDF - 458 kB]

Technical Information Noiseflex® Piano product specification [PDF - 85 kB]

Technical Information Noiseflex® Piano uv product specification [PDF - 85 kB]

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