Windows and doors gradually recede to the room-sided third of the insulation plane. Metal mounting brackets help to move the windows towards the outside, however, at the same time they generate problematic thermal bridges and leakages as regards the sealing.
The connection-friendly pre-wall installation system is the problem-solver, meeting the requirements of GEG with regard to window installation without any thermal bridges.
The use of the pre-wall installation system produces a perfect installation joint that can be professionally sealed with our Winflex® TriSave Eco in a final step.
The benefits:
For the material Phonotherm®, BOSIG is provided with a general test certificate issued by a building authority (P-2008-B-4237) as well as product declarations in compliance with DGNB (German Sustainable Building Council) and LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design). As regards DGNB, the material meets the requirements with regard to quality levels one to four and contributes to achieving the maximum rating points of criterion 06 "Risks for the local environment".
50% of the material is recycled material and contributes to achieving LEED points under MR Credit 4. BOSIG is currently* also the only manufacturer on the market with an environmental product declaration (EPD).
The pre-wall installation system is available to you in an installer-friendly length of 1350 mm (standard) and an outreach range of 90 to 160 mm (further outreach possible). The machinability with conventional woodworking machines makes it possible to easily adapt the pre-wall installation system on site. Parts may be used. The pre-wall installation system supplies many operating figures to you, so that you can perform the corresponding object calculations. Furthermore, the pre-wall installation system comes with a variety of certificates and approvals, providing you and your customers a higher level of security over a period of many years.
The Phonotherm® pre-wall installation system provides security all along the line.
Would you like to learn more? No problem, our specialist consultants in our offices will be happy to help you if you have any questions.